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My father-in-law r@ped me" I got married last year December 2023"

My father-in-law r@ped me. I got married last year December 2023, my marriage is bare 6months but I'm almost losíng my mínd already.

 I'm a 24yrs old beautiful lady and my husband is 28, he is the first and only child of his parents. We started dating in the university and later got married. While we were dating I'll visit him in his house where he lived with his father. The mum is out of the country. When the relationship got stronger I'll normally spend weekends with them. During this time I'll cook and do other house stuffs. Several times his father will appreciate my beauty and will say his son knows how to choose. I was happy with his compliments. 

As time went on he started using romantic comments which made me feel uncomfortable. I discussed it with my man but he said I should ignore that his father jokes a lot at times so I let that slide. One Saturday afternoon while I was having my bath and singing as I will always do, I heard the bathroom door open when I turned I saw his dad stirring at me lÅ«stfully. I screamed and hurriedly pulled my towel to cover myself. I was so upset I asked why he did what he just did but he said it's no críme seeing what belongs to his son. Out of angër I hurriedly stomped out and pushed him out of my way. He bombed his head at the side of the door and had a little bruíse. I locked myself in the room and cried. His dad came and stood by the door pleading. He said it was a mistake and he regrets it for it will never happen again. He pleaded and asked me not to tell his son. Note that my man and his dad had a very strong relationship. After hearing his dad beg me I said to myself I won't say anything to my man. Yes it never happened again because he traveled to meet his wife abroad 2 months later. 

Fast forward to last year we got married in December. His parents flew in to attend our wedding it was all fun and merry all these while before the devil set in again. Both my mother-in-law and father-in-law were living with us after our wedding. It's a big house and since they are mostly out of the country my husband said he can't rent a house while his father's mansion is empty so we had to stay there. 4 months later that's in April, my mother-in-law was to travel back. Her flight was scheduled for 2:30am on that day. While my husband and I came back from work that evening, we had dinner with his parents, so we went to bed early at about 8pm so that he will be able to get up by midnight to drive his mum to the airport. 

We made love that night and slept off ñãkëd as usual. At midnight my husband got dressed and took his mum to the airport. I knew all of them went to the airport including his dad. 30-45mins later I realized someone on the bed and trying to enter me from behind. At first I thought it was my husband who was back already. I turned with my sleepy eyes to kíss him then I realized it was my father in-law 😭 I was struggling with him and screaming as he was trying to put his already hard dí ck into me. As I struggled he used a pillow to cover my face. He didn't succeed to peneträte me but he released on me. 😭😭
After that he hurriedly left. I laid in bed gasping for air. Shortly after I rushed to the bathroom to wash off the rubbísh he poured on me. I cried my eyes out. I didn't know what or how to tell my husband what just happened. It seems the world should just open and swallow me up. By 4am when my husband returned he met me sitting at the edge of the bed crying. When he asked I couldn't say anything but I said I miss his mum already. He tried comforting me. I have been living with these while and it's eating me up. I'm currently pregnant and at times I get paranoid if it's his Dad's or my husband's. There are days I'll think of pöí soning his food but I don't have the courage to do so. I'm gradually losíng my mínd. What do I do? 

It's been 2months after this happened his dad has not apologized and he behaves as if nothing happened. I don't feel comfortable around my husband anymore. What do I do? 

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