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Comedian Sabinus expressed his gratitude to Burna Boy for significantly boosting his career

He shared that performing at the London Stadium was the highlight of his career, thanks to Burna Boy. Sabinus revealed that Burna Boy paid him $100k for a one-minute performance and covered his flight expenses to and from London.

"When Burna Boy invited me to perform at the London Stadium, I thought he was joking and laughed it off. However, two days before the show, he called and said, 'My bro, pack your bags because a private jet is going to pick you up tomorrow.'

 That’s when I realized he was serious, so I ironed my favorite blue shirt and black trousers, packed a few things, and headed to the airport. As promised, a private jet picked me up, marking my first free private jet experience. When we arrived in London, I expected to perform at the after-party, but Burna Boy told me I would open the stage for him. Stepping out before 80,000 people almost made me lose consciousness, as I had never performed before such a large audience. Burna Boy paid me generously, and I will always be grateful to him," said Sabinus.

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