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When he came to me for a relationship, he told me that he's not married-Pregnant lady cries out

I met my boyfriend back in 2023. When he came to me for a relationship, he told me that he's not married, but he has a girlfriend with whom he has been with for 2 years.
 He added that his family didn't approve of their relationship because the girl is more than him by age, then I asked how old he is, and when he told me, I'm equally more than him by age. Then I told him it can't work because I'm equally more than him by age, then he said he has never loved younger women, he's attracted only to women who are of older age.

 I was disc0uraged about the whole thing, but the way he was persistent on having a relationship with me, and his way of doing things also made me to fall in love with him. After we started the relationship, boom, pregnancy just after 6 months of dating. I was d3vastated but there was nothing I could do. 

I didn't really want to get pregnant for him just like that, but ...I told him I was pregnant for him, he was very happy with it, and since then he has been taking very good care of our unborn baby. I'm 5 months gone and he has been very supportive. 

My pr0blem now is that he hasn't cut the relationship with the other girl, he doesn't even want her to know he's with me. That's he has kept the two relationships, he has my number only in his head, not stored in his phone, he deletes our chats on his phone when ever we chats. And when he talks with her on phone, he's always smiling and laughing. When I asked him why he hasn't told the other girl about me so as to cut the relationship, he'll say, not now. 

He keeps saying he doesn't want her to know now. Please I'm confus3d, maybe he doesn't really love me the way he says it, maybe I will just end up being his baby mama and that it's the other girl that he really loves. Please i need your advice on how to go about this.

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