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How to Mine Coin and Withdraw to Your Wallet [Step-by-Step]-Hamster kombat

Kombat has emerged as a popular game in the crypto space, offering players the chance to mine virtual coins and withdraw them to their wallets.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to get started with Hamster Kombat, mine coins, and make withdrawals, along with answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Getting Started with Hamster Kombat

To begin mining coins in Hamster Kombat, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Telegram Account: Hamster Kombat operates through a Telegram bot, so you’ll need an active Telegram account to access the game.
  2. Access the Hamster Kombat Bot: Use the link provided to open the  Hamster Kombat DApps on Telegram.
  3. Start Mining: Once the bot is opened, you’ll be prompted to mine coins by tapping on the hamster repeatedly.

How to Mine  Coins in Hamster Kombat

Mining coins in  Hamster Kombat is straightforward:

  • Tap to Earn: The core mechanic involves tapping on the hamster to earn coins.
  • Upgrade Your Exchange: Accumulate coins to upgrade your exchange, which allows you to earn coins faster.
  • Use Boosts: Apply boosts to increase tap productivity and raise the energy limit.
  • Complete Missions: Engage in special missions to earn additional coins.

Withdrawing  Coins to Your Wallet

To withdraw your mined coins to your wallet, follow these instructions:

  1. Check Withdrawal Options: Ensure that the withdrawal options are available in the game.
  2. Link Your Wallet: Connect your DeFi wallet to the game to facilitate the withdrawal.
  3. Withdraw Unstaked  Tokens: You can only withdraw tokens that are not staked or being wagered.

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