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Yobe government goes spiritual over vandalisation of electricity towers.

Yobe government goes spiritual over vandalisation of electricity towers. The Yobe government has taken the spiritual route in its bid to comb@t insurgents who d£§troy electricity towers connecting the state and Borno to the national grid. 

 The Special Adviser to Governor Mai Mala Buni on Religious Affairs, Babagana Kyari, made the government’s position known earlier this week during a prayer session in the state capital, Damaturu.

 The Yola Electricity Distribution Company (YEDC) said the insurgents att@cked the towers in December 2023 and February 2024. On Wednesday, Mai Mala Buni, governor of Yobe, led a team of Muslim clerics to the site of the towers. Once at the location, they recited the Quran and asked God to pun+sh the vandals should they approach the towers ever again. Students of the Holy Quran also participated in Wednesday’s recitation and prayer session. Cows were also sacrificed for Allah to expose the insurge 


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